Archive | August 4, 2014

Alabama Fans Being Alabama Fans for Saban’s Autograph


Could these two be more typical Bama fans? Shit watch the video below of the Tide Rolling. Hundreds, maybe thousands of pieces of shit sprint across the field at Bryant-Denny Stadium to get Nick Saban’s autograph. I’m surprised there weren’t several heart attacks reported either from the site of Saban or just from the 100 yards they had to run. Most of them haven’t ran since Field Day in Elementary School.  I was waiting for these Swamp Donkeys to start dropping like flies around the 50 yd line clutching their chests. I don’t care how many National Championships they’ve won, Alabama fans just make it so easy to make fun of them.


Rory McIlroy is on Fire…On and Off the Course!!

2014-08-03 Rory McIlroy3

Has anyone made a better decision than Rory McIlroy by dumping Caroline Whatevernaki? The answer in Fuck No!! All the kid has done is completely dominate and regain the worlds #1 ranking since he called off their engagement. And now he’s got this little Dime piece following him all over the course. I’m sure it’s because she is a huge golf fan though right? Nah she just wants $$ and that “D”. Keep doing your think Rory!!

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PS. He definitely had a better weekend than Dustin Johnson…Ouch!!

The Long Dong of the SEC Reaches…Space?

barry wilmore

According to Saturday Down South, Astronaut Barry Wilmore, who will be launched into space with two Russians next month, has requested access to The SEC Network during his 6 month trip.

Wilmore, a Navy captain and former Tennessee Tech football player told The Tennesseean, “I don’t watch a lot of sports — my wife might not agree with that — but I do like to watch football, the SEC Game of the Week.”

It’s unknown whether or not NASA will accommodate Wilmore, although his request certainly doesn’t seem unreasonable, considering that his two Russian shipmates have requested 700 cartons of cigarettes and a fluid ton of Smirnoff Vodka.